Is Electrology permanent?

Jennifer's Electrolysis

Is it painful?
Some areas on the body are more sensitive than others. Facial areas can be a little more sensitive than body parts. The sensation varies from person to person, area to area, day to day. Topical anesthetics are available.
What are the after effects?
After treatment there might be slight reddening or minor swelling of the skin. The effects are temporary and vary due to skin type, treatment time, etc.
How long does it take?
A series of continuous treatments over a period of time is necessary. Permanent results varies with each individual depending on the area, skin, hair texture, density of the hair or hormonal changes.
What areas can be treated?
The most common area is facial for women and men. Women have underarms, bikini, abdomen, arms, legs, breast, hairline & toes treated.
Does electrology scar the skin?
No. The texture of the skin will be left smoother upon completion of treatment.
Can hairs be removed from moles?
With written approval by the patient's physician or dermatologist.
What if I stop treatment before the hair is completely removed?
As long as you do not tweeze or wax the treated area, when your not in treatment, the hair will not get any worse until you can resume treatments.
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